1st Borderless Real-Time Economy Round Table

The First Borderless Real-Time Economy (RTE) Round Table to discuss the future of RTE services

On 1-2 of February 2018, RTE Round Table event took place in Tallinn, where participants introduced the newest RTE projects in the sector and discussed the future of real-time economy in the Baltics and Europe. Round table was organised by Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.

The two-day round table brought together RTE experts from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Denmark. One of the participants is also the so-called Grand Old Man of real-time economy concept and the creator of online banking in Finland, Bo Harald.

“Real-time economy gives companies and countries more opportunities to manage their businesses and activities in an automated environment where all business transactions are completed in real time. The goal of the round table is to invite together any RTE related projects representatives to share their project findings and outcomes and to find similar interests,” said Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Programme manager and Policy Area Innovation coordinator within EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Reet Reismaa.

Several important RTE projects in the Baltics were introduced at the round table, such as Digital Innovation Network project DIGINNO, Estonian ICT Cluster’s initiated real-time economy project Internet of Business, Omniva’s e-receipt project, an automated data exchange project Nordic Smart Government, digital accounting and standardization program TALTIO and two Estonian Tax and Custom’s Board projects Reporting 3.0, and Tax Declaration as a Background Process and Business Account for Natural Person in collaboration with LHV bank.

RTE Round Table was organised by Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in cooperation with Technology Industries of Finland, DIMECC Ltd. (Finland) and projects DIGINNO and IoB (Internet of Business), and was funded under PACINNO project by Interreg BSR programme 2014-2020.

You can access the Borderless RTE Round Table follow-up document here.

Pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/152813893@N06/sets/72157663242058987/with/25170432607/

Agenda: Agenda borderless

Additional information:

Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications


Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications


Presentations from the Borderless Real-Time Economy Round Table, 1-2 February 2018, Tallinn, Estonia

1_Finnish vision on RTE and future_Bo Harald

2_Internet of Business_Sirli Heinsoo

4_TALTIO+PoC_Vuokko Mäkinen

5_RTECO_Markku Örn

6_DIGINNO_Airi Reidi

8_Nordic Smart Government_Vuokko Mäkinen (Kjersti Lunde)

9_Borderless RTE presentation_Henri Lindeberg

10_Reporting 3.0_Marika Korka

11_CEF information

12_CEF_Christian Vindinge Rasmussen

13_PACINNO_Reet Reismaa

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